Water distribution & automatic iOT meter reading for County Water Supply solution success story
Automation of consumer water metering & leakage tracking system for a county in Italy (Internet of Things case study)
Overview: Our client was handling water distribution metering for a county in Italy, the purpose of using smart meters was to monitor the water consumption and control if any accidental leakage in the water distribution system.

- Water distribution metering is a very complex system. It takes lot of time to get the meter reading of every household and then generate billing based on consumption.
- Tracking peak water load and managing the supply 24 hours manually is tedious task
- Need for smart solution for managing the workload.
- Unable to review the usage statistics and analyze the meter data
- Improper calculation of the data
- We analyzed the metering system with client on-site team, they provided us with all required inputs. After discussions with county, Axioma smart water meters were procured and implemented by county.
- We structured the data required for monitoring, payloads were defined.
- Water meter data was gathered using IoT Chirpstack Network server.
- Water flow was monitored by IoT server, we used Thingsboad Open IoT Platform.
- Alerts were defined for high and low level of consumption.
- Consumer Water flow reading was captured every two hours and main distribution pipeline water flow was measured every two hours.
- Alerts were generated for un-usual consumption in any line and alerts were sent to respective consumer on mobile.
- Entire consumption analysis dashboard were provided for county.

- County was able to monitor the water consumption in lines.
- Consumers with un-usual consumption were sent alerts so as to save water wastage.
- Better Data Visualization, review & managing of data.
- Device failure alerts helped maintenance team to quickly fix the issues.